September 7, 2019

Language Wave Decoder


In this project a language wave decoder was developed, to transform different kinds of waveform data (e.g. .wav as sine, square, cosine and so on) to bytes and send them via the COM port to a PIC18F452 controller from Microchip. The main purpose of this application was to provide the possibility to the microcontroller to handle different kinds of languages like German, Greek etc. which was required by the Research & Development section for specific projects that were delivered in other countries.

The microcontroller was programmed using the ICD Incircuit-Debugger and the provided IDE MPLAB IDE from Microchip. The following screenshot shows that the user was restricted to select only files of the type .wav. The application was developed on Windows with C++ and the MFC library and the language for the user interface was set to German. Below there are some images of the application depicted.

Screenshots of the Application