Render Framework with User Interaction

Render Framework with User Interaction


This project was performed in summer 2019 in my free time. Here a framework was developed consisting of a virtual environment in 3D, which was embedded in a user interface, to provide different user interactions, depending on the use case. As an example for the content of the environment, various textured objects such as cubes, lights and floor surfaces were added. Furthermore, a lighting effect and semi-transparency was provided, to show the objects in more detail and to give life to the environment. This was possible by providing shaders to the GPU.


Such a framework can be utilized in robotics simulation, engineering, game development and any other applications which need extensible prossibilities to 3D. Therefore, a software developer is able to use this framework, to extend it’s functionality and to create an application for specific tasks. In contrast to a simple 3D render engine, this framework has the advantage, that it can be used to implement different operations like saving the environment or modifying object properties by using a user interface in addition to the mouse or keyboard. In other words the possibilities are endless.


Development system
Development tools Visual Studio Professional 2019
Programming languages C++, GLSL 3.0
Libraries wxWidgets, OpenGL
Repository In my private repository on bitbucket
